Hottie straight dude Clint shows off his ripped muscular as he wanks his huge thick cock

Island Studs says: Ripped straight American dude Island Studs Clint strips nude stroking out a huge cum load.

Charming Clint lives in Scottsdale, Arizona, where he was born and raised. See him today in his first time fully naked and jerking off on camera.

We shot this hot video while he was visiting his girlfriend in Oregon. In fact, it was his GF who suggested he grow his perfectly sculpted “hipster” Pacific Northwest beard.

When I inquired about his history with sports and his impressive towering 6’8″ torso, Clint replied, “No, I did not play basketball, I love LaCross, because I like hitting people”, he states with a smile.

He looks like a young Clint Eastwood and is a talkative, happy, friendly super ripped 26-year-old.

Muscle god, Clint, is a union carpenter working on skyscrapers by day and hits the gym every night as an inspiring competitive bodybuilder.

“I’m into Men’s Physique right now for NPC and then IFBB Competitions” he states as he smiles and flexes his perfect bulky ripped body.

Imagine hung muscle god, Clint, fully naked wearing only a hard hat 27 stories above the street, working on a new Skyscraper with his Union Bros.

What an awesome bodybuilder fantasy! Feast your eyes on Clint’s amazing bubble butt as he moons the camera wearing only his ultra-tight black skimpy underwear that can barely contain his thick muscle ass.

Watch FULL MOVIE here!


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