Category Bentley Race

Sexy hairy chested young muscle dude Maxwell Miller’s strips out of his sports kit stroking his huge uncut dick

Bentley Race says: I’ve been super bumped since finishing this next shoot and I am pleased to introduce you to my new sexy mate 26-year-old Brit Maxwell Miller. I met Maxwell after another mare Zak mentioned he was interested in…

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Hot bearded young stud Eddie Archer’s big uncut dick bareback fucking sexy Aussie Byron Atwood’s smooth bubble butt

Bentley Race says: I was very happy to have eventually got around to inviting this pair of sexy young mates for their very first appearance together. Eddie Archer and Byron Atwood had already met privately through mutual friends but they…

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Max Gatling

Max’s oversized cock is bursting out of his jockstrap! Bentley Race says: Max Gatling looks awesome in that little white jockstrap. He’s finding it hard to hide his excitement in it. His oversized cock is bursting out as he starts…

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