Hot young military dude Active Duty Josiah strips naked jerking his big dick

Active Duty says: I’m back today to introduce you to another brand new recruit here at Active Duty. Meet the tall, dark and handsome Josiah. This stud is only 20 years old, but standing 6ft 3 inch, he towers above most folks.

Just looking up at him makes me dizzy. It’s not his height that has my head swooning, though, it’s how gorgeous he is and how well he carries the 205 pounds that fills out his beautiful body just perfectly.

A lot of it is packed into those long and hairy sexy legs that connect to that delicious butt he’s hauling around. He claims that his plump ass is ‘exit only’ but that doesn’t mean he’s not willing to experiment and explore things with another guy.

He’s more than willing to be the giver if the situation calls for it and is open to other options as well. Sexually he describes himself as ‘the dominant one’. While Josiah looks like a perfect athlete he’s actually a self-proclaimed ‘nerd’, telling us that he’s a big gamer and spends a lot of his time playing online games.

One thing is for certain, though, and that is how much Josiah enjoys showing off. He’s confident, not the least bit nervous and you can tell being in front of the camera is something he’s going to enjoy.

Before we started filming he told me about how he could make his cock jump and I told him that in order to do that you had to have a lot of control over your asshole. He laughed and said he was definitely in control of that.

If I had to choose one word to describe Josiah’s personality, the first one that comes to mind is ‘scamp’. He’s playful and mischievous and that impish little grin of his will keep you guessing about what’s running through that dirty little mind.

Keep an eye out for more of Josiah as we explore more of what makes him tick and what keeps that nice dick of his bouncing around. Oh, and just a quick warning to watch closely at the end of this scene for Josiah’s massive load.

He didn’t give me any warning that he was about to shoot but thankfully he shoots such big loads that there was plenty to capture. We even slowed it down for you to savor even longer.

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